Islandic Fischeries – Wild deep-water Shrimps

Sustainable Fisheries

The waters of the Icelandic coast belong to the cleanest in the world, and the Icelandic Fisheries standards are some of the strictest worldwide. They contain a sustainability concept for fishing off the Icelandic coast developed many years ago, which is still unparalleled.

The Icelandic Ministry of Fisheries not only enact these laws, they supervise compliance. Iceland doesn't belong to the EU which means that no other country may fish in their exclusive economic zone without full observance of the icelandic fishing laws.

In Iceland a rights based management form prevails. That means that each year the catch quotas for every fish variety is so determined that stocks are not endangered. As part of the management, entire stretches of the coast are closed to fishing to allow for regeneration of stocks. In areas where a recovery of fish stocks has been determined, zones are re-opened for fishing. All this is monitored by marine biologists, and scientifically documented. Catch quotas are divided among the fishermen so that all profit.

Wild deep-water Prawns

caught in the North-East Atlantic close to the coast of Iceland, from sustainable fisheries, cooked, peeled, glazed

Unit: 180 g

Wild deep-water Prawns

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